Monday, August 24, 2009

Life's paths meet somewhere

As some of you may know, I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
That makes five total kids in my family. As time has gone by, life has taken us in very different directions. We are each experiencing life to its fullest....
this one just got back from the Dominican Republic
life took this one to Switzerland to reside
this one got married in a kilt
and this one publishes books and travels all over the place!
We love to hang out together. We know how to really enjoy time together and how to make each other laugh. It is wonderful. We have found the perfect place for our life's paths to cross. We get to remember good times and catch up with each other. Where else? VALLEY FAIR

John and Carol have been in town. So that means we hit the road to Valley Fair. Sadly Laurie (not in town) and Louise (expecting baby #2) were not able to come this year..we missed you guys and look forward to next time with you! Dad and the sibs have been going for a few years now (most significant others have always been too wimpy to participate).

Actually Valley Fair is the perfect activity to do with a fun group of people. No one has to bowl..and you are not silenced by a movie. Plus it is SUPER FUN!
This year to round out the numbers I brought Ryan with us. It was his first trip to Valley Fair and he was fearless. Here we are ready to go on the Wild Thing. Ryan thought it should be called,"the Mild Thing."
Again the Power Tower wins for most intense build-up. It is scary sitting up on top to the tower just waiting to drop down to your death...we did that one twice :).
I love this tradition. I love that Ryan got the chance to interact with the adults in the family. I can't wait until next time!!



Louise said...

I'm sad! As much as I did enjoy my private "House" marathon, I missed going with you guys! Glad you were able to have fun anyway ;-)

Grandma said...

Actually, I think that being a willing babysitter and thus enabling the fun qualifies for something better than being called wimpy :-)
Let's tell it like it really is.

Unknown said...

Grandma Ginger, I agree with you... watching children takes more guts than going on some silly ride that drops you to your death. You are most courageous for stepping up to the calling of "willing babysitter".