Thursday, July 10, 2008

Book Club

As many of you know, it was my turn to have book club at my house. We read Where the Red Fern Grows. I really think that is a great book and highly recommend rereading it. As a shout out to childhood, (and because I could not think of what to serve) I made flower pot ice cream sundaes. Usually when it is my turn, I stress for weeks about what book to pick. Then as the night gets closer, I am preparing the house and planning the treat. This year, picking the book was a last minute decision. I seriously called Cynthia 5 minutes before I had to announce the next book for ideas. The treats went basically along those same lines. It was good I didn't worry to much this year. We had three people show...summer schedules are so busy! So afterwards, Tiffany and I decided to hit a movie.
We went to Get Smart. We were the only ones in the theater and the last to leave the entire theater. That made us ask...if nobody shows for a movie do they still play the movie? Sort of a tree falls question. I thought it was a cute movie and I am glad we saw it.


Aryn said...

I love Where the Red Fern Grows! Is that the book you (and Cynthia :)) chose, or was that the book before yours? Cute treats!

Cathy said...

That was the book that I chose to discuss. (and Cynthia confirmed was a good idea) The four of us had a great time talking about it. It is one of my favorite books. I just read it to the Tennant Sob feast! Did you know the author burned the manuscript the first time he wrote it. Crazy.

Cathy said...

Fest NOT Feast...although we do like to feast

Tiffany said...

Great book, great treats! I especially liked the lack of Oreo are so fancy! I'm still thawing out from that movie...