I decided we would embrace Minnesota winter and go tubing. The plan was to hit Trapp Farm tubing hill in Eagan. Invites out. 13 kids coming. Biggest snow storm of season scheduled the day before. PERFECT! Ry has no idea. HOORAY. As I am blabbing to everyone I see about the surprise party, I am told that Trapp Farm is closed for the season. What? Feb. and March are the snowiest months around here...what? Panick! We decide that Buck Hill ski and tubing hill would be better anyway. Especially because it is OPEN.
The party worked! Ryan was so surprised. In fact I don't think that he really understood why all these people were jumping out at him until they started singing Happy Birthday.

Quote of the day: "I should have been susupicious because you WERE cleaning the house." "That was the best day ever!"