Andrew had a birthday

He is lucky enough to have a cousin only 1 month older than him and that cousin just happens to be visiting this summer.
We celebrated Andrew and Leo's birthdays last night with a fun family birthday party.

I cannot believe they are 6!

Leo shows great pinata form..almost open!

Andrew smashes through to find all the candy.
The boys then make some birthday wishes.

and we all got to enjoy some yummy cake.

After the birthday party we decided to see the Bloomington fireworks.

They have their celebration on the it is a fun way to start the Fourth of July festivities.

Although the fireworks were great, Leo seemed to enjoy the glow sticks more

He made a huge glowing circle and he made a glowing solar system

Happy Fourth of July..more to come
It was sprinkling rain on the 4th of July in Iowa. So glad to see it was perfect in MN. Happy Birthday, Andrew!
Happy Birthdays! Love your fireworks pictures.
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